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3D diagnostics

3D diagnostics is a modern imaging technique that creates high-resolution three-dimensional images of the jaw and teeth. This enables precise diagnosis and planning of surgical procedures. In our practice, we use this technology to ensure an exact and individual treatment strategy for our patients.

3D temporomandibular joint diagnostics

3D temporomandibular joint diagnostics provides a detailed representation of the temporomandibular joints to accurately diagnose complaints such as temporomandibular joint pain or disc displacement. This technology enables precise treatment planning. In our practice, we use state-of-the-art imaging techniques to achieve optimal results.


Ankylosis refers to the stiffening of the temporomandibular joint, which can be caused by injury, inflammation or degeneration. This limited mobility impairs eating and speaking. In our practice, we offer specialized surgical treatments to restore the mobility of the jaw and improve the quality of life.

Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI)

The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) measures the frequency of breathing interruptions and reduced breaths during sleep. A high AHI value indicates severe sleep apnea, which puts a strain on the cardiovascular system. In our practice, we offer therapies such as snoring splints and surgical procedures to reduce the AHI and improve the quality of sleep.


Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure in which small instruments and cameras are used to examine and treat the temporomandibular joint. This technique is gentle and enables a quick recovery. In our practice, we use arthroscopy to treat temporomandibular joint problems with precision.

Asymmetric dysgnathia

Asymmetric dysgnathia occurs when the jaw has grown unevenly, leading to functional and aesthetic problems. Our practice offers specialized surgical procedures to restore symmetry to the jaws and improve both the function and aesthetics of the face.

Airway constriction

Airway obstructions, often caused by misalignment of the jaw or tissue in the throat, can lead to breathing problems such as sleep apnea. Our practice offers various treatment options, including snoring splints and surgical procedures, to widen the airways and improve breathing.

Eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and fat are removed from the eyelids to rejuvenate the face and improve the function of the eyelids. In our practice, we perform these procedures precisely and gently to achieve both aesthetic and functional results.


Bichectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which excess cheek fat is removed to make the face appear slimmer. This aesthetic procedure is often used to improve the proportions of the face. At our practice, we offer safe and precise execution of this treatment.

Bimaxillary malalignment

A bimaxillary malocclusion affects both the upper and lower jaw, which are not positioned correctly in relation to each other. This can make chewing and speaking difficult and give the face an asymmetrical appearance. At our practice, we offer specialized surgical procedures to align the jaws and improve jaw function.

Bimaxillary surgery

Bimaxillary surgery is a surgical procedure in which the upper and lower jaw are corrected simultaneously to correct severe malocclusions. This procedure improves both the function and aesthetics of the face. Our practice offers precise and gentle procedures to achieve optimal results.

Bimaxillary protrusion correction

In bimaxillary protrusion correction, the protruding upper and/or lower jaw is surgically repositioned to improve chewing and speaking. This operation also restores facial harmony. Our practice performs these procedures precisely and safely to optimize function and appearance.

Bite malposition

Malocclusion occurs when the teeth of the upper and lower jaw do not fit together correctly. This can cause temporomandibular joint problems, tooth wear and difficulty chewing. We offer precise diagnostics and surgical corrections to harmonize the bite and improve jaw function.


Bruxism refers to the unconscious grinding of teeth, which often occurs at night and can lead to jaw joint pain, tooth damage and muscle tension. At our practice, we offer treatments such as splints and botulinum toxin therapies to alleviate the symptoms of bruxism and prevent further damage.

CPAP therapy

CPAP therapy (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is often used in the treatment of sleep apnoea. It keeps the airways open during sleep by continuously supplying air pressure via a mask. In our practice, we also offer alternative surgical solutions if CPAP therapy is not sufficient.

Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)

CMD describes a malfunction in the temporomandibular joint that is often accompanied by pain, tension and restricted mobility. This condition can also cause headaches and neck tension. In our practice, we offer both conservative treatments such as splints and surgical solutions to alleviate the symptoms.

DVT (digital volume tomography)

The digital volume tomogram (DVT) is a modern, three-dimensional imaging method that enables detailed images of the jaw and teeth. It provides valuable insights into the anatomy and helps with the precise planning of procedures. Our practice uses the CBCT to make well-founded diagnoses and determine the best treatment strategy.

Disc displacement

Disc displacement occurs when the articular cartilage in the temporomandibular joint shifts. This often leads to pain, clicking and restricted movement. Our practice offers both conservative and surgical treatments to bring the discus back into its correct position and alleviate the symptoms.

Double chin

The double chin is caused by the accumulation of fat under the chin and can affect the facial profile. Modern procedures such as liposuction or skin tightening can effectively treat the double chin. In our practice, we offer precise procedures to optimize the facial profile.


Dysgnathia are misalignments of the jaw bones that can impair chewing, speaking and breathing. These misalignments can cause both aesthetic and functional problems. In our practice, we offer specialized surgical solutions to correct the jaws and improve the quality of life of our patients.

Wrinkle treatment

As we age, the skin loses elasticity, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. Our practice offers various minimally invasive procedures such as hyaluronic acid fillers or botulinum toxin to reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin. These treatments are individually tailored to the needs of our patients.

Facial nerve palsy

Facial nerve palsy is a paralysis of the facial muscles caused by damage to the facial nerve. This condition can severely affect both the appearance and function of the face. Our practice offers specialized surgical procedures to restore facial symmetry and mobility.

Facial pain

Facial pain affects the facial area and can be caused by nerve irritation, temporomandibular joint problems or muscle tension. This pain can severely affect daily life. Our practice offers specialized diagnosis and therapy to identify the exact cause of facial pain and provide targeted treatments.

Front open bite

An anterior open bite is when the upper and lower teeth do not meet properly in the anterior region, resulting in a gap. This makes chewing difficult and can impair speech. In our practice, we offer surgical solutions to correct the bite and restore function and aesthetics.


Genioplasty is a chin correction that changes the shape and size of the chin. This surgery is often performed to improve the balance of facial proportions. Our practice offers precise surgical techniques to achieve both aesthetic and functional results.

Facial contouring

Facial contouring aims to refine the proportions and shape of the face, whether through liposuction, implants or tightening. In our practice, we offer various methods for refining the shape of the face to make it appear more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing.

Facial proportions

Balanced facial proportions are crucial for a harmonious appearance. A lack of harmony between the chin, cheekbones and nose can disrupt the overall aesthetic appearance of the face. In our practice, we offer surgical solutions to improve the proportions of the face and create an aesthetic balance.

Facial skeletal deformities

Facial skeletal deformities can be caused by congenital anomalies or injuries and affect both the function and aesthetics of the face. Our practice offers specialized surgical corrections to restore the facial skeleton and improve harmony and function.

Benign tumors

Benign tumors in the mouth, jaw and facial area can displace tissue and cause discomfort, but are not malignant. In our practice, we perform surgical procedures to safely remove these tumors and restore function and aesthetics.


Hypopnoea refers to a partial constriction of the airways during sleep, which leads to breathing difficulties and reduced oxygen supply. This can lead to poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness. Our practice offers solutions such as snoring splints and surgical procedures to widen the airways and improve sleep quality.

Masticatory muscle hypertrophy

Chewing muscle hypertrophy refers to an enlargement of the chewing muscles that makes the face appear wider and is often caused by teeth grinding (bruxism). In our practice, we offer treatments such as botulinum toxin injections to relax the muscles and refine the appearance.

Jaw misalignment

Jaw misalignment occurs when the upper and lower jaws do not fit together correctly. This can lead to problems with chewing, speaking and breathing and affect facial aesthetics. In our practice, we offer surgical solutions to optimally align the jaws and restore function and aesthetics.

Jaw fractures

Jaw fractures are often caused by accidents or trauma and require surgical treatment to restore the jaw structure. In our practice, we offer precise surgical techniques to stabilize the fractures and restore the normal function of the jaw.

Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint

Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint is a degenerative disease of the temporomandibular joint in which the cartilage is broken down. This leads to pain, limited mobility and grinding in the jaw joint. Our practice offers both conservative and surgical treatments to alleviate the symptoms and restore the function of the temporomandibular joint.

Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint

A TMJ dislocation occurs when the temporomandibular joint pops out of its normal position, causing severe pain and restricted movement. At our practice, we offer gentle or surgical procedures to reposition the joint and prevent permanent damage.

Maxillary sinus surgery

Maxillary sinus surgery includes surgical procedures that are performed to treat inflammatory processes or cysts in the maxillary sinus. Such procedures are often required to stabilize the airways or the jawbone. Our practice offers precise and gentle procedures to treat these conditions.

Jaw clamp (trismus)

Lockjaw, also known as trismus, is a restriction of the mouth opening that can be caused by muscle tension, joint problems or injury. This makes eating and speaking difficult. At our practice, we offer targeted treatments to treat the cause and restore the mobility of the jaw.

Jaw advancement surgery

In a mandibular advancement operation, the lower jaw is surgically moved forward to correct functional and aesthetic problems. This operation is particularly important in cases of severe mandibular advancement in order to improve jaw function and harmonize the facial profile. Our practice offers comprehensive advice and precise surgical techniques for these procedures.

Class II dysgnathia

Class II dysgnathia describes a malocclusion in which the lower jaw is set back in relation to the upper jaw, resulting in an overbite. This can cause functional problems such as difficulty chewing and speaking. At our practice, we offer specialized surgical procedures to shift the jaw forward and improve function.

Class III dysgnathia

Class III dysgnathia occurs when the lower jaw is too far forward in relation to the upper jaw, resulting in a forward bite. This often impairs chewing and speech. Our practice offers specialized surgical treatments to reposition the jaws and improve both the function and appearance of the face.

Classification of dysgnathia

Dysgnathia is classified into different types, depending on whether the malocclusion is dental, skeletal or both. This classification helps to determine the appropriate treatment method. Our practice offers comprehensive diagnoses and individualized treatment plans to correct dysgnathia surgically or by other means.

Bone augmentation

Bone augmentation in the jaw area is performed to repair bone defects or bone loss, usually in preparation for dental implants. In our practice, we offer advanced techniques such as bone grafting to restore bone volume and create optimal conditions for dental implants.


A crossbite occurs when the teeth of the upper jaw are positioned behind those of the lower jaw. This can make chewing difficult and lead to asymmetrical wear of the teeth. Our practice offers surgical and orthodontic solutions to correct the bite and improve jaw function.

Liposuction of the face

Facial liposuction is used to remove excess fatty tissue in order to improve facial contours and achieve a more youthful appearance. In our practice, we offer precise liposuction to harmoniously contour the face and achieve a natural result.


Macrognathia refers to an excessively large jaw that can cause both aesthetic and functional problems. Our practice offers surgical solutions to reduce the size of the jaw and achieve balanced function and aesthetics.

Mandibular prognathism

Mandibular prognathism describes a malocclusion in which the lower jaw is positioned too far forward, resulting in a forward bite. This can impair chewing and speaking and affect the facial profile. Our practice offers specialized surgical procedures to reposition the lower jaw and improve jaw function.

Mandibular retrognathia

In mandibular retrognathia, the lower jaw is displaced too far back, resulting in a significant overbite. This misalignment can cause functional problems such as difficulty chewing or speaking. In our practice, we offer surgical procedures to move the lower jaw forward and improve function.

Maxillary prognathism

Maxillary prognathism refers to a malocclusion in which the upper jaw is positioned too far forward, resulting in a significant overbite. This misalignment impairs both chewing and the aesthetic appearance of the face. Our practice offers specialized surgical procedures to reposition the upper jaw and harmonize facial proportions.

Maxillary retrognathia

Maxillary retrognathia describes a malocclusion in which the upper jaw is set too far back, resulting in a back bite. This can make chewing more difficult and affect the appearance of the face. In our practice, we offer surgical solutions to move the upper jaw forward in order to improve both function and aesthetics.


Microsurgery enables precise procedures to be performed on small structures in the mouth and facial area. This technique is used to minimize scarring and accelerate healing. Our practice uses the latest microsurgical methods to perform procedures in the oral and maxillofacial area as gently as possible.


Micrognathia refers to a lower jaw that is too small, which can cause functional and esthetic problems. This misalignment can make chewing and speaking difficult. In our practice, we offer surgical procedures to enlarge the lower jaw in order to improve jaw function and harmonize the aesthetic appearance.

Minimally invasive surgery

Minimally invasive surgical techniques offer the advantage of smaller incisions, less scarring and shorter recovery times. In our practice, we use these techniques to perform procedures in the mouth, jaw and facial area gently and effectively. This minimizes stress for the patient and accelerates the healing process.


A mucocele is a cyst caused by a blockage of a salivary gland duct and often occurs in the mouth. It can cause pain and impair oral function. Our practice offers surgical procedures to remove mucocele and restore the normal function of the salivary glands.

Oral mucosal diseases

Oral mucosal diseases include a variety of problems such as inflammation, growths or infections in the area of the oral mucosa. These conditions can cause pain, swelling and, in some cases, malignancy. At our practice, we offer comprehensive diagnosis and treatment to maintain oral health.

Scar correction

Scar corrections to the face or mouth are often performed after injury or surgery to restore aesthetics and function. In our practice, we offer precise techniques to minimize scars and improve the appearance of the face.

OPG (orthopantomogram)

The orthopantomogram (OPG) is a special X-ray image that provides a complete overview of the jaw and teeth. It is often used to diagnose jaw misalignments, dental diseases and other anomalies. Our practice uses the OPG for precise planning of treatments and surgical procedures.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which the airways become blocked during sleep, leading to repeated pauses in breathing. This can lead to serious health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Our practice offers customized treatment plans, including snoring splints and surgical procedures, to widen the airway and improve sleep quality.

Open bite

An open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth in the front area do not come together, which makes chewing and speaking difficult. This misalignment can be caused by maldeveloped jaws or bad habits. Our practice offers surgical corrections to close the bite and normalize jaw function.

Earlobe correction

Earlobe correction is often performed to correct torn or elongated earlobes caused by wearing heavy earrings or injuries. Our practice offers this aesthetic treatment to restore the natural appearance of the earlobes.

Osteonecrosis of the jaw

Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a rare disease in which the jaw bone tissue dies off. This can be triggered by certain medications or radiation therapy. Our practice offers specialized surgical treatments to remove the affected tissue and promote healing.


An osteotomy is a surgical procedure in which bones are cut and repositioned to correct jaw misalignments. This procedure is often performed on patients with severe jaw problems to improve bite function and aesthetics. We perform precise and gentle osteotomies to optimize the healing process.

Postoperative pain relief

After a surgical procedure, effective pain relief is crucial for recovery. In our practice, we use modern methods of pain therapy to minimize post-operative discomfort and support the healing process so that our patients can quickly return to their everyday lives.


Prognathism describes a misalignment of the jaw in which the upper or lower jaw is too far forward. This affects both the function and the appearance of the face. Our practice offers surgical solutions to bring the jaws into the correct position and harmonize facial proportions.


Retrognathia refers to a malposition of the jaw in which the lower jaw is too far back. This often leads to an overbite and functional problems when chewing. In our practice, we offer surgical solutions to move the jaw forward in order to improve function and harmonize the aesthetics of the face.


Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is performed to change the shape and size of the nose. This can be done for aesthetic or functional reasons to improve breathing. Our practice offers precise surgical techniques to improve both the function and aesthetic appearance of the nose.

Scissor bite

A scissor bite occurs when the upper teeth extend far beyond the lower teeth. This leads to asymmetrical tooth wear and can cause temporomandibular joint problems. Our practice offers surgical and orthodontic solutions to correct the bite and normalize jaw function.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which the airways become blocked during sleep, leading to pauses in breathing. This can lead to severe daytime sleepiness and serious health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. In our practice, we offer specialized treatments such as snoring splints or surgical procedures to alleviate sleep apnea and improve sleep quality.

Sleep laboratory

A sleep laboratory provides the ability to monitor a patient's sleep overnight to accurately diagnose sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. In collaboration with specialized sleep laboratories, we offer comprehensive diagnoses and tailored treatment plans to specifically treat sleep disorders.

Sleep quality

Sleep quality refers to the restfulness of sleep. Sleep apnoea and snoring can severely impair this and lead to daytime tiredness and health problems. In our practice, we offer treatments such as snoring splints and surgical procedures to improve breathing and increase the quality of sleep.

Snoring splint

A snoring splint moves the lower jaw forward to keep the airways open during sleep. This reduces snoring and alleviates the effects of sleep apnea. In our practice, we manufacture individual snoring splints that are perfectly adapted to the needs of our patients.

Cranial asymmetry

Cranial asymmetries can be caused by congenital malformations or injuries and often lead to functional and aesthetic problems. Our practice offers specialized surgical solutions to restore facial symmetry and improve jaw function.


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed to correct a deviated nasal septum. This improves breathing and can also result in aesthetic improvements to the shape of the nose. Our practice offers specialized procedures to optimize nasal function and appearance.

Skeletal dysgnathia

Skeletal dysgnathia is a misalignment of the jaw that is caused by uneven growth of the jaw bones. These misalignments can cause both aesthetic and functional problems. In our practice, we offer surgical corrections to bring the jaws back into a harmonious position.

Skeletal delay (jaw growth)

A skeletal delay in jaw growth often occurs in children and adolescents and leads to malocclusion of the jaw. Early treatment is crucial to prevent complications later on. Our practice offers comprehensive diagnoses and individualized treatment plans to support jaw growth.

Salivary gland surgery

Salivary gland surgery is performed to treat conditions such as salivary stones, cysts or tumors that affect the function of the salivary glands. Our practice offers precise surgical procedures to treat these conditions and restore the normal function of the salivary glands.

Salivary stones

Salivary stones form when minerals accumulate in the salivary glands and block the production of saliva. This can lead to pain and swelling. At our practice, we offer specialized salivary stone removal procedures to restore normal saliva production.

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ)

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) affect the temporomandibular joint and can lead to pain, clicking and limited mobility. This makes eating and speaking difficult. At our practice, we offer conservative therapies such as splints and physiotherapy as well as surgical procedures to alleviate the symptoms and restore joint function.

Deep bite

A deep bite is when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth too deeply, which can damage the gums and lead to TMJ problems. Our practice offers surgical treatments and orthodontic measures to correct the bite and improve jaw function.

Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS)

Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) is a sleep disorder in which the airways are partially blocked during sleep, resulting in increased breathing effort. In contrast to sleep apnoea, UARS does not result in complete cessation of breathing, but the constant narrowing of the airway can significantly impair the quality of sleep. Those affected often suffer from severe daytime sleepiness, headaches and difficulty concentrating. In our practice, we offer specialized treatment approaches such as snoring splints or surgical procedures to widen the airways and improve the quality of sleep in the long term.

Vertical growth syndrome

In vertical growth syndrome, the jaw grows unevenly, which often leads to an open bite and uneven distribution of the chewing load. This misalignment can make it difficult to speak and chew. We offer surgical solutions to correct jaw growth and restore the function of the jaw.

Growth disorders of the jaw

Growth disorders of the jaw often occur in childhood and adolescence and can lead to malocclusions that impair chewing and speech. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial to prevent complications later on. Our practice offers comprehensive treatment plans to support jaw growth.

Cheekbone implants

Cheekbone implants are used to improve the volume and shape of the cheeks, often for aesthetic reasons. They help to make the face appear fuller and more youthful. In our practice, we offer customized implants that provide a natural facial shape and harmonize proportions.

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth often have to be removed if they have no space in the jaw or are growing crookedly and displacing other teeth. This procedure is often performed to avoid infection and pain. In our practice, we offer gentle wisdom tooth removal to speed up healing and minimize post-operative discomfort.

Tooth extraction for high-risk patients

Tooth extraction in high-risk patients, such as patients with cardiovascular diseases or blood clotting disorders, requires special precautions. In our practice, we perform these procedures safely by working closely with the treating physicians to minimize risks and ensure optimal aftercare.

Tooth exposure

Tooth exposure is a surgical procedure in which hidden or ingrown teeth are exposed in order to position them orthodontically. In our practice, we perform precise tooth exposures to support the proper growth and placement of teeth.

Dental implantology

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are firmly anchored in the jawbone to permanently replace missing teeth. This method provides a stable base for crowns, bridges or dentures and restores both the function and aesthetics of the dentition. In our practice, we use the latest implant techniques to achieve optimal results and improve our patients' quality of life.

Dental implantology for high-risk patients

Dental implants in high-risk patients require special treatment strategies to avoid possible complications. In our practice, we offer adapted implantation procedures to achieve optimal results even in patients with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or osteoporosis.

Forced bite

A forced bite occurs when the jaw is forced into an unnatural position due to misalignment. This can lead to jaw joint pain and uneven tooth wear. In our practice, we offer surgical procedures and orthodontic treatments to correct the bite and normalize jaw function.

Cysts in the jaw

Jaw cysts are fluid-filled cavities in the jawbone or soft tissue that can displace the surrounding tissue and cause damage. These cysts often need to be surgically removed to prevent infection and bone damage. In our practice, we offer safe and gentle procedures for cyst removal.
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Opening hours:

Monday - Friday 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00

Phone: +41 31 521 40 00 Email: info@craniologicum.ch

Marktgasse 24 3011 Berne

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